Baby: What Doctor Prescribed for Skin Asthma

Because Ashton’s back rash was getting us concerned, we finally brought him to the doctor on Monday. It turns out that Ashton is suffering from skin asthma like many babies. Skin Asthma usually occurs when the baby is exposed to allergens or when they ingest food that they cannot process properly. We were asked to stop feeding Ashton with chicken.


He was also prescribed to use Hydrocortisone Cream 1% and to use Dove soap until the rashes are gone. The pedia says it is important to treat and contain this skin condition before it gets worse. So for now, no chicken for the little boy and I make sure he takes his daily bath.

After two days of doing this , I found that my 9 month old’s rashes are getting fewer. They are hardly visible because his skin asthma simply looks like goose bumps. Luckily it was diagnosed early and we were able to start treatment right away.

If you suspect anything about your baby’s health, it really matters to pay attention and seek the doctor’s advice 🙂 Sometimes if we cannot proceed to the doctor right away, I spend time researching on products for my family and friends like the best creatine for instance.

Stay healthy!