Home and Living: Eggplant and Papaya Seedlings

This weekend is special because my eggplant seeds have sprouted. To date, I now have 8 eggplant seedlings, they grow so fast once they’ve sprouted and not just during early mornings. One time I just took the camera from inside the house and when I was about to take a shot – two sprouts have become leaves! Take a closer look below:


Just one of eight eggplant seedlings 🙂


And my aunt Helen also joined me but she planted Papaya seeds. Now here is one of her plenty seedlings.

The seeds are brought from the hardware as well as the soil-less potting mix and plastic plant box. My husband bought them for me and I am glad his money was not put to waste. Soon, I hope – we’ll be harvesting eggplants for me to cook!


I was so happy I cooked Beef Sukiyaki for everyone and it too, was a success 🙂 Now I won’t have to pay so much money just for a bowl of delicious sukiyaki. I can make one from the kitchen. Earlier I also made pizza for everyone and for lunch, steamed fish fillet with Chinese ginger sauce. I really think this is what I want to do for the rest of my life ^_^