On Getting a Nanny

Every mom likes to be with their babies 24/7 but we live in the real world and mommies sometimes need to work or go to meetings, just like me! It’s nerve wracking to compromise schedules with my husband who also has lots of functions to attend. In order not to miss any paying opportunity that spells M-O-N-E-Y, the nanny is your bestfriend.

At first I thought that all nannies need to be stay-in helpers or yayas but I thought, why can’t I imitate what they do in other countries where they can hire a nanny or babysitter on a daily or hourly basis. I gave my idea a go and hired someone to take care of Ashton just when I have to really go out, she clocks in usually at 10am and goes home at 6pm. I pay her an average amount of Php 250 for taking care of Ashton.

Of course, do not and never leave your baby with a stranger. I am lucky because we personally know the nanny and she lives nearby. My aunt also supervises her whenever I am absent.

Just today I had a final interview because I am thinking of getting a day job. I am contemplating on getting a stay-in nanny but every mom would understand how I feel that my heart breaks everytime I think of Ashton spending time with another person aside from me or his dad 🙁

But, reality bites and we all want a secure future for our little boy. Right now, I am making the most of our time with Ashton, and hugging and kissing him endlessly. I never imagined I would be so in love like this! ^__^ If my baby would read this in the future, I want you to know that mommy wishes that she can be with you every second but you would understand how people need to go to work, earn money, and provide for their children. I want the best for you, the best education, vacations overseas, shopping, and fun family weekends. In order to give these to you, Mommy needs to work just like every adult on the planet 🙂 I love you Ashton!