35 weeks and 1 cm

I wasn’t expecting for my pregnancy to progress so fast, but when my OB said I was already 1 cm I got both excited and nervous. Excited because it means I am near but nervous because if I am not careful, I’ll be giving birth prematurely.

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After my appointment with her, she asked me to go to the pre-labor room to get steroid shots. This is for the baby’s lungs to strengthen just in case baby ashton decides to come earlier than expected. 2 shots are required at 12 hour interval. But before going there, I met my husband at Starbucks downstairs where he was waiting and working and we talked about what to do. We decided to skip our last event for the day and just check in at a nearby hotel. Honestly, I was panicking inside and thinking what if I give birth already?

And so Azrael and I went to the pre-labor room to finally get my injection. It was my first time to be inside the pre-labor room and ladies who were in labor where just in front of me x.x The nurses were all friendly but I can just sense the nervousness of these women who are about to give birth.

The injection was not painful but my arms felt really heavy after, like I worked out for 3 days straight. Steroids indeed. The best to do when getting this shot is to move your arm right away so that the medication will flow through asap. The after effect lasted me until morning, I got the shot at around 7.40PM and I was ordered to go back at 7.40AM. The nurses put me on a wheelchair because I shouldn’t move too much.


The OB also put me on regular medication of uterine relaxants to prevent contractions.

The next morning I woke up in our hotel room and found blood on my discharge. The first thing I thought of is to get a shower already because it could be that I’ll give birth that day. Yet my OB said it was just the result of the IE done the day before. Excited much? x.x But I was chilling from anxiety and because of the hotel’s non-working hot water in the shower.


My tummy at 35 weeks

And off we went again to Medical City to get my second and last injection. I can’t imagine going through this without my husband who barely slept in the hotel and made sure I was okay.

So now I am on strict bed rest, just looking at our neighbors’ garage doors which makes me wonder about garage door prices. Yup, there’s nothing more boring than being on bed rest but it is the best way to prevent my baby from coming out too soon. I am hoping we make it through until next week when he is already 37 weeks 🙂

Stay tuned! 🙂