Baby Out! Welcome Baby Boy Ashton :)


On May 24, 3:00PM baby boy Ashton Llanora Coladilla was born 😀

It was the smoothest delivery ever, and all my fears about labor and childbirth were proven otherwise. The night before my delivery date, I had blood in my discharge and the OB told me to just watch out for regular contractions. Honestly, like most pregnant ladies – I have no clear definition of what a real contraction is and so I just went to sleep.

Around 4.30AM my sister woke me up as I was snoring loudly and before I could go back to sleep, I felt a trickle of water down there and I just knew it’s my water bag leaking. As I stood up, the leak continued and will stop when I lie down or sit. I called the OB right away and told her I was on my way to the hospital.

Baby Ashton and Yeyey on our way home with Daddy Az and Kuya Bernard in our CRV

I woke up my mom and in seconds, everyone inside the house was awake including my husband who was sleeping in the other room because he had fever. Around 5AM we were ready to go with all our bags. It helped that I calmed myself and told everyone we had plenty of time. I wore my new maternity dress from Havin’ A Baby 🙂 brushed my teeth, and put on some powder while inside the car.

Daddy Az and Baby Ashton, first night at home

I already knew where to go, to the Pre-Labor room of The Medical City. But just to make sure, I called the Pre-Labor room and told them I was on my way as my water bag broke. We reached the hospital at around 5:40AM, after some routine checks inside the pre-labor room, I learned I was already 3CM, baby still floating. I wasn’t feeling any discomfort at all, even the enema was not bad. All the doctors and nurses took care of me very well and told me that my OB will make me deliver the baby soon. So I was transferred to the Labor room.

Meanwhile, my husband and aunt Yeyey were told to get a room as I was going to be admitted. Before I went to the Labor room, they let my husband in and I told him that I will already give birth.

Two young doctors inside the labor room kept me company and monitored every contraction I was having. They were both young 24 and 26, girl and boy. We had fun conversing about anime (yes), blogging, and dating *lol* At around 12.30PM I told one of them that my contractions are starting to get uncomfy, like having a really bad dysmenorrhea. Then my OB appeared and I told her I wanted an epidural 😀 So the anesthesiologist appeared next.

Baby Ashton sleeping beside Mommy Lace after breastfeeding 🙂

I was expecting the epidural would hurt but I learned, a local anesthesia would be given first so that you won’t feel the epidural. In minutes, it was done and in 15 minutes I could no longer feel any pain from my contractions. I was told it will last for 2 hours. So before the epidural wore off, I requested another dose at 2:00PM.

Then another doctor who was in communication with my OB did an IE and told me to push. She told me I was fully dilated by 2:30PM and that the baby’s position was ready 😀 I was happily transferred to the delivery room and was made ready to deliver. yey!

After some cleaning, shaving, and some more chikkas with the doctors – they counted 1 to 10 and told me to push with all that I got. Yet I found it hard as I was not feeling anything at all x.x It took me 3 pushes, 2 doctors pressing down my tummy, and I heard my OB cutting (episiotomy) around 3 times. Then she said baby out! I was still pushing that time x.x Then I heard my baby cry really loud.

What a relief it was to finally see my baby in the outside world 🙂 Baby Ashton was handed to me after cleaning – I was speechless but tried to say something on the video cam haha. I knew I looked terrible but inside my head I was praying that Ashton won’t need to be incubated. And he wasn’t! His AOG was 37 weeks and he passed the maturity testing. He only weighed around 4lbs but was all healthy.

Now I am sleepless at home, trying my luck at breastfeeding, and making Baby Ashton grow bigger 🙂 I have little time to blog but I tried to squeeze this one in before I forget details about my delivery.

Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, staff, especially to my OB Dra. Castro-Belen for a wonderful birthing experience. The only thing I got impatient on is waiting inside the recovery room haha 🙂 It was only suppose to be 2 hours there but only one nurse was tending to everybody so I reached my room around 7PM already. I was really hungry and thirsty x.x

But all in all, my experience was great. I spent 2 days and a half in the hospital and for the sake of expectant moms, my birthing expense reached Php 100,000. Normal delivery without complications.

I do not have any decent photos yet with the baby but I will soon and post it here 🙂

Thank you everybody for all the greetings and love! 🙂