Ashton’s Getting Big Everyday

I can’t believe how fast babies grow these days! It was just 3 weeks ago when Ashton came out to the world, 4.7 lbs small but now I am sure he is more than 5lbs 🙂 He can now finish 3-4 ounces of breastmilk every 2-3 hours. His arms and legs are getting longer too, and his cute face – rounder.

Soon I will be busy looking for fun for kids but before that, I want to make sure I take lots of photos of him as a baby. Mommies tend to be overly busy with all the work that need to be done but I promise to sneak in some photo and video time because I know time will pass me by quickly.

Sometimes I think of Ashton’s and I’s future, I want him to be a good reader and writer, then take him to lots of places. One mom mentioned how she and her little girl have the routine of going to the post office daily to mail for kids as her daughter, like other modern children these days, have pen pals for kids.

I am getting the hang of being a new mom and I am excited for every day that I will spend with my little boy 🙂