Using a Binder after Giving Birth – Getting Back in Shape
Before at 35 weeks of pregnancy (one day before delivery)

It’s the same concept as with the corsets that make Dita Von Teese’s waist drool-worthy. When I gave birth to Ashton I immediately whipped out a binder I bought at So-En (just worth Php 300) and squeezed myself into it.
2 weeks after, the marks at the side are from the binder

I needed the help of another person so I could close both ends through it’s velcro contraption. It reminded me of classic movies where two ladies help each other with their corsets, only I had my husband help me. My tummy (after less than 24 hours) after delivery was so flabby, and the promise of extra sagging skin was not attractive.

This is the binder I am using from SOEN

Upon wearing the binder 24/7 for about a week, only removing it when I take showers – my waist returned to it’s ORIGINAL size, even smaller! No extra sagging skin, stretchmarks, and no more need for a tummy tuck which was my plan in case the 300 pesos binder did not work. Yet it did.

Two weeks after, I no longer wear the binder because my husband said there is no more to bind. Maybe when I overeat, I will wear it again 😀

I reckon binders can help anyone, not only those who just gave birth. It can be worn under fitting clothes for a more sleek figure. But maybe it is wiser to wear it at home if you are trying to make your waist smaller. Then when the time comes you need to wear that itsy outfit, your Betty Boop figure will shine through without any contraption 🙂