Breastfeeding – 2 years and beyond

It just recently occurred to me that I have been breastfeeding my son for 2 years and 1 month now. Whenever I have the chance, I am happy to tell stories of how I succeeded in breastfeeding, the challenges, and the joys. In our household, there was a misconception that breastfeeding is hard, that since my mom did not breastfeed us – like her, we’ll have difficulty doing so. It was like going against the stream whenever I talk about breastfeeding, that almost everyone can do it unless they have serious medical conditions.

A few weeks ago, my husband and I watched a documentary on poverty. We noticed how all the featured women would not breastfeed their children. When the doctors ask them, they say the milk just stopped coming. The doctor then says that’s impossible unless they went cold turkey and stopped breastfeeding. The mothers will then admit they stopped. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against women who choose not to breastfeed but feel regret for not utilizing something that’s free and healthy – for both the mother and child.

I also recently watched a talk show and one of the hosts said it’s embarrassing to breastfeed in public and suggested moms go to the parking lot to do it. I may have understood her wrong but I felt sad hearing that.

On the other hand, more and more smart moms advocate breastfeeding and are proud of it. There are now breastfeeding rooms (although still small) for moms to feel comfortable in and many blog posts that encourage new moms to breastfeed. These were equally helpful for me when I was still a new mom. I faced challenges too like clogged ducts and milk would also form into lumps. Reading helps but if you must, for your peace of mind – go to a breast clinic. Some would have mobile mammography but undergoing breast ultra sound is also good.

Doctor’s advice is to always try to empty your breasts, wash them before and after each feeding, and make sure the baby is latched properly.

I don’t know when Ashton will tire of feeding from me but I know it’s coming soon and I am preparing for it. Breastfeeding is a wonderful gift that lets babies and moms bond like no other. I wish my baby and I have bonded enough long before he stops nursing 🙂