Baby: We’re making music!

I believe all babies love music, isn’t it one of the first few things they enjoy? Some moms believe music soothe babies and make them smarter – I do! So when Ashton was but days old, I gathered Baby Einstein albums and played it non-stop. It was great for moms who just gave birth too. Music is relaxing and sets the mood whatever you want it to be.

Now I know what every mother feels like upon seeing their child trying to play a musical instrument.

I like having musical instruments at home but if you don’t, you can always bring your child to a guitar center where other instruments are. Tune in with your child’s interest or simply enjoy the sight of them trying to make music! It looks real cute and adorable 🙂

Ashton also likes his Brainy Baby DVD, the volume that’s all about music. I never really understood the difference between tempo, rhythms, and harmony until I became a mommy and had to watch these dvds!