Baby: Ashton’s Toys | Spending on Baby Toys

Do you spend a lot on toys? I don’t but even I wish to shop for Ashton because it simply is a thrill to buy something for him. But really, babies don’t require so many toys unless you want your house to be full of it.

If you are pregnant, let me assure you that babies are very easy to please. Everytime I put a toy in front of Ashton, he thinks it is always new! That’s natural for kids as I have found out. He is happy with boxes, blankies being pulled up and down, and anything at all as long as you treat it like a toy. Of course, mind safety.

I am just thinking out loud on how as a mom I was worried of not purchasing a lot of new stuff for Ashton, especially when we have a room full of old toys. They include old toys my sisters and I used to play with, including old toys of Anya, my niece. There’s also a lot of gifts from friends during Ashton’s baptism.

Recently, someone sent me a package with matryoshka dolls and metal bookmarks. It simply meant new toys for Ashton! 🙂 Maybe let us enjoy this time when our kids are not yet brand conscious, nor understand who Ben10 is. I am sure once my little boy’s brain is flooded by media – I will be working harder to give him the latest alien monster.