Baby: Oh! Baby All Natural Baby Food Review

I had the chance to taste first hand the product of Mommy Chefs Trillana-Lagdameo and Rebecca Disini-Gomez. They lovingly concocted all natural baby food which include teething biscuits, vegetable based purees, and grow and go biscuits.

During their event, I’ve already tasted their carrots, squash and caramelized onions and applesauce puree. Even as an adult, I loved how these flavors tasted. You know how your baby never finishes his food and you end up eating the remnants? That’s why moms should consider baby food that will also taste good for them 🙂

Even if you don’t actually finish the bottle, you can use it as dips for biscuits and wheat flakes. Especially the squash flavor, I just adore it. The applesauce can easily be used as marinade or sauce for porkchops, etc. Just imagine the possibilities.

Anyway, back to our babies – if I love how they tasted, I am sure Ashton will like the natural baby food products too. Since these are all-natural and without preservatives, once you open the jar – it will only be good for 24 hours. Aside from the purees, I mentioned they have teething biscuits.

Sorry Ashton, Mommy ate them all. You can have your turn next month 😀

The teething biscuits are of banana flavour, for babies – they will be impossible to chew and that’s a safety feature to avoid choking. For adults, they are a chewy treat. Ashton was watching me as I finish one bar, I had him taste one and he was all smiles. Although, I kept it short as he hasn’t reached 6 months yet.

These Grow n’ Go Cookies also have banana flavour which provides natural sweetness. This one is for toddlers who can manage to feed themselves, I guess. Perfect for when going out, stash it in your bag or car for an easy healthy treat.

Right now, Oh! Baby Natural Baby Food products are not available in groceries. You can order them at and there are several convenient pick up points for busy moms.

I am excited to feed Ashton next month, he turns 5 months today – October 24 🙂

Mommy businesses like these are so inspiring. Their capital is their passion in cooking and love for their babies. My friend and I are considering asset based lenders who might be able to help us and other moms try their luck in entrepreneurship. Noted how hard it is nowadays to lend from banks and those endless business platform presentations.

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