Baby: Soft Book Review – Have You Seen My Puppy?

Ever since I attended this forum with other moms and they told me how they all have soft books for their babies, I’ve always kept soft books on top of mind. And also the expensive price tags these soft books have.

Ashton’s first softbook cost me around 475 bucks. We’ve been reading it repeatedly every afternoon, in between Harold and the Purple Crayon, and Glitter Shapes. The last two books we received as baptism gifts 🙂 I think Ashton is getting sick of the first soft book though.

Today I had the chance to grab a new one. Tempted to get the cheaper one but this Have You Seen My Puppy? Soft Book is a winner for around 600 bucks. Surprising how children’s books cost more than the bestsellers!

But this Read and Play softbook came with a finger puppet.

Flaps hiding mystery things. Ashton already knows how to play peek-a-boo so it’s perfect.

And this soft book is back to back.

It can also be spread out on the crib, or on the floor, or tied somewhere. Although I want Ashton to be familiar with how real books look like, and how to hold them properly.

You can buy this, and other soft books at Baby and Company (SM Department Store), Toys R Us, etc.

What is your favorite soft book to read to your kid?

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