Breastfeeding: Join the Boob-olution!

Hi! moms and moms to be 🙂 A friend shared to me this video a long time ago but I remembered to share it with you tonight. It’s a fun video on breastfeeding starring hollywood breastfeeding hot mommas.

I totally agree that the baby’s needs come first, there is no inappropriate place to breastfeed. Just to share, I was at a posh mall one time and I whipped out my breast for my son and an old lady zoomed in to me and gave me the “surprised-annoyed” look while I was at it. The same day I was in a cafe and I am sure this foreign guy was waiting for me to breastfeed my crying baby. Not because he was a perv but I can tell he will zoom in as well and tell me why am I breastfeeding in a cafe. He was giving me a bad look too while my son was crying. You’ll really feel small the first time this happens to you, but it is them who have a problem not you, and especially not your baby 🙂

Let’s support each other and all breastfeeding moms out there! Whip ’em out!

Mommy Lace has been breastfeeding Ashton for 5 months now. hurrah 🙂 If you are a non-breastfeeding mom and want to ask how to start and re-start breastfeeding, pop me a mail. Again, a mom’s ability or inability to breastfeed does not make anyone more or less of a caring mother.