Healthy Kiddie Snacks Recipes with Chips Delight

Teaching and getting our children involved in preparing their own nutritious snacks is an important life skill that our kids can use up to adulthood. I have many friends who are afraid of cooking and failing in the kitchen – most of them had mothers who kept them out of the kitchen.

I understand the challenge in sharing the kitchen with kids, and teaching them to handle food and ingredients properly. The secret is not to set them up for failure but for success. Before calling your children in for a cooking lesson, have the ingredients lined up on the table and in proper amounts. This keeps movements to a minimum, i.e. pouring and mixing the ingredients together.

Planning and preparation can absolutely make your cooking & bonding moment more delightful!

Here are some recipes that you can try, featuring my 5-year old chef Ashton:

Chips Delight Cheesecake Cups

6 Chewy Chips Delight Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 8oz. cream cheese

¼ cup coconut sugar

1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla

Procedure: Line muffin/cupcake tray. Use each cookie as the crust, this cuts prep time and reduce mess. Mix together in a large bowl the cream cheese, sugar, egg, and vanilla. Use an electric mixer to get a smooth creamy consistency. Pour the cream cheese mixture on each cookie crust.

Bake at 170C for 20 minutes. Cool for 10-15 minutes before serving. Top with blueberry or strawberry jam and Chips Delight bites for decoration 🙂

I personally like using coco sugar over white table sugar since it has a lower glycemic index and does not cause insulin spikes. They are also richer in vitamins and minerals.

The egg we used in this recipe is a product of our own backyard chickens, which make it organic.

Blueberry & Brownie Yogurt Parfait

1 small plain yogurt
4 pcs. Chips Delight Soft Brownie Cookies
2 cherries

Procedure: Spoon yogurt into dessert glasses (up to 2 servings). Break Chips Delight Soft Brownie Cookies into huge chunks. Layer on top of yogurt then cover the brownies with another layer of yogurt. Top yogurt with more brownie chunks and decorate dessert glasses with 1 cherry each.

This treat is made healthy by using plain yogurt which is filled with live probiotics and numerous health benefits including a healthy digestive system.

Banana & Peanut Butter Cookie Smoothie

3 pcs. Chips Delight Peanut Butter Cookie
1 large Banana
1 cup soymilk
4 ice cubes

Procedure: Pour all ingredients together in a blender. Process until you can’t hear the ice cubes fighting the processor’s blade. Pour in a glass with straw and enjoy while icy cold.

Aside from banana, this snack is made healthier with soy milk that is also rich in antioxidants and a good source of calcium.

We’ve been making these recipes over, especially when Ashton gets home with leftover cookies from his lunch box. When it comes to kids, we can be a lot more creative in combining their favorite food with healthful ingredients to meet their nutritional needs without sacrificing fun & delight.

Share the Answer to Win Promo

Now here’s a special treat for all you moms out there! Starting today until October 04, Chips Delight will be giving out gift packs to lucky 20 moms through it Chips Delight “Share the Answer to Win” promo. The mechanics are simple:

  • First, you have to like the Chips Delight Facebook fanpage in order to join.
  • Those who wish to join should have their facebook profile set to public for so that their entry can be verified.
  • There will be a weekly posting of a Trivia Question that Facebook fans can answer to win the prize for the week.
  • All they have to do is post their answer on the comment box of the trivia post on the Chips Delight Facebook Fan Page.
  • Chips Delight will randomly select 10 fans per week with correct answers to win the Chips Delight gift packs.
  • Promo will run for 2 weeks with 2 trivia question per week.

So what are you waiting for? Log on to to join!

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