Cleaning up a hand me down baby cradle or bassinet

This holy week seemed quiet longer than usual, with the heat above our heads, it is so easy to get bored and find something to do. Hence, I decided to finally clean a hand me down baby cradle or bassinet from my sister. This is the baby basket I would use for the little boy.

It was hardly used by my niece Anya when she was a baby. At first the cradle was all dusty, including the thin cushion that came with it. To clean, I just peeled off the cushion from the plastic basket itself and had it handwashed.

Then I thoroughly cleaned the basket with lots of water and laundry soap (to make it super white) and a piece of cloth to scrub pesky dust stains. Let it air dry and voila!

The 7 year old baby cradle looks new, like it was just bought today 🙂 Total amount saved = Php 1,200