Staycation: Summer Cupcakes and Scones

I made certain I will bake this weekend to save us from ordering takeaway plus, get my mind off things. I pulled out cupcake cups, lined the pans, and got to baking around 5PM. My sisters and I love everything cream cheese and so I decided to whip up our favorite cream cheese frosting. You won’t see it here though because I don’t have a piping bag (of all things) and I just got started watching YouTube tutorials on how to frost cupcakes. What we do is just get a spoon and dollop the frosting when we are about to eat. That way, cupcakes can easily be stored.

The hot kitchen made me wish I was enjoying a wave pool operated by giant goulds pumps. But Mr. Love-a-lot helped me out transporting these yellow cupcakes 🙂 Ashton put him on top of the table while waiting for a taste test to happen.

Aside from yellow ones, I simultaneously baked fudge cupcakes as well. My husband enjoyed it at breakfast today, me – I woke up at 11.30AM. I guess all the baking knocked me out.

My sister Joni also baked some scones which her family enjoyed today. This is her daughter Anya and husband V. I like how we do the same stuff even miles apart. I sense some competition, do you?