Baby Rocker with Massager

Mom and Dad tired of soothing baby at the wee hours of the night? One day while looking inside Baby Company, my sister found this:-

And before I knew it, my husband wanted to get it and I was at the cashier paying for the baby rocker. It is made by Fisher Price. Aside from being a rocker where you can put your baby down, it also has a vibrating feature which soothes the baby. According to the salesperson, the vibrating action makes the baby think that he is wrapped in your arms.

After two days of using it, we are a believer! It helps Ashton falls asleep when he gets restless. If he doesn’t stop crying while on the rocker, it means he is hungry. Another plus is when I put the rocker on the bed beside me, I also benefit from the massager as the bed also absorbs the vibrations. This rocker costs Php 5,500 ++ and uses a size D battery.