Home and Living: Separation Anxiety 2

Hi! Mommies, how are you coping with the rising prices of groceries, gasoline, etc.? Personally whenever I hear the news or push the grocery cart and realize how steep prices of goods have become, my heart literally palpitates and as a coping mechanism – I think even harder on how I can make more money. I came from a financially conservative family and even though we are blessed with more than enough, no one can really tell what happens in the future. My mom tells me often to earn while I have the energy and youth.

This meant for me to split my time into many categories, working time, play time with Ashton, and a very little me time. Still whenever I go out for meetings and become too busy in a day, feelings of guilt crawl up and more so, separation anxiety from my 10 month old.

“My mommy is finally here! beh ~” Ashton at 10 months

One day when I was out for half a day, my aunt said that Ashton kept on looking up the stairs. Waiting for me to come down when I am not really there. He would give out sobs and a sad face. This happened everytime he passes the staircase. Heartbreaking!

When I arrived, I immediately played with him on the mattresses and had my husband take pictures of our playtime. Oh life, my mind is singing “I want to be a billionaire”. Actually I really prefer playtime at night when there are no longer chores to be finished and all we have to do after is sleep 🙂

I love you Ashton! <3