Toys: Russian Nesting Dolls

Previously, I’ve written about a set of Babushka or Matryoshka dolls that were gifted to me. Today I came across some more on the Internet. I have always been fascinated with Russian dolls since I was a kid. One of my neighbors back in the days had a collection and I was always excited to come over just to have a play with them. Also referred to as Babushka dolls or Russian nesting dolls, it is a set of dolls of decreasing size placed one inside the other. I always think of the set as a family, with the largest the head of the family, protecting his spouse, then the mother protecting her first born then so on. But that’s just me.

The popularity of the doll probably created the demand for various designs and themes. There are peasants, animals, Russian leaders and even Christmas nesting dolls that are available in the market, that is if you look hard enough. But perhaps what you should be more keen about is the quality of the doll and the fine craftsmanship that was involved in the creation process. Traditionally, the Russian dolls are carved out of one piece of wood but those made from fine ceramic and porcelain are most sought out and are most likely to cost you more than arm. perhaps it’s time to start my own collection.

I think these dolls express motherhood to me now, like how I seek to protect my little boy. Oh and by the way, I wish more mums let their boys play with dolls because we have to move away from a stereotypical society. In the past, boys were not allowed so much to play with dolls or play kitchens – and I disagree. That’s another story though 🙂