Baby: Bonding to Increase you Baby’s Confidence

Have you ever noticed how proud babies look when you pick them up and hold them in your arms? My baby does that, his chin is up and his lips are pursed like a supermodel whenever I carry him. I have no degree in pediatrics but I want to write about my hypothesis that giving time to our babies increases their confidence.

Make your baby feel like a rockstar!

Some mums say to let our babies cry their hearts out – so that they won’t be spoiled and ask to be picked up every minute of the day. I believe otherwise, I think the more we respond to our babies’ cries, the more they feel secure and confident about themselves. Because really, how will they build self-confidence if they think nobody cares for them?

Just observe how distressed your baby looks when he/she thinks you are gone, and crying is the only way they know how to express their needs – milk, diaper change, etc. With my baby, I respond automatically to each of his cries. Each time this happens, he is either hungry, needs a diaper change, got bitten by an ant, or needs to be burped some more. Because (I think) he is confident that I will run to his side and take care of his problems, he never cries for no reason at all. I would like to believe I have instilled some confidence in Ashton 🙂

Not only when babies cry do mothers need to spend time with them. It’s fairly easy for modern moms to be sucked in by Facebook and leave the baby staring at the ceiling while we stair at our laptops. I feel that bonding like talking, singing, and reading together will make our children better individuals. Again, observe how your baby’s face light up when you turn and talk to them. Mums should pour time towards their children especially while they are young! Soon, it would be their turn to give us their time and would we want to be left crying in the dark once they are grown-ups? I don’t think so 🙂

I read similar information about this, I just don’t remember where but at least I am not the only mum who thinks this way. What about you, how do you increase your baby’s self-confidence?

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