Stress-Free Handwashing Tricks: Get Your Child to Wash Their Hands

A child with unwashed hands adds to every mom’s stress. If yelling “wash your hands! wash your hands!” is part of your everyday life, let me offer you some tricks that will attract your kids to wash their hands properly and at the right time.


Make the sink kid-friendly

Does your child hate washing their hands? It could be because doing it is difficult for them. Some of the reasons include having a sink that is too high, a faucet that is too tight or loose, water pressure that’s too strong or weak, or a dripping, slippery floor.

Check the handwashing areas at home and imagine that you’re a little person who will use it. Make reasonable adjustments. The best part is showing your child that you’ve “updated” these areas especially for them.


Provide a Step Stool

Apart from giving them the right handwashing liquid that kills and protects germs, there are tools or accessories that can make handwashing more attractive to children. Recently, I purchased a step stool for my son so he can reach the sink properly when handwashing and brushing his teeth.

A step stool makes it more comfortable for smaller children to stand in front of the sick without their hands hanging over. It means it is easier for them to wash their hands properly with the proper duration of 15-20 seconds.

My son is always excited to use the step stool. If I ask him to wash his hands, he will happily follow.


Let them have their own hand towel

Kids love having and using their own personal stuff. Personalized towels are common gifts that they receive. Make use of them. Hang them into the hand towel bars below the kitchen and toilet sinks just beside the grown-up’s hand towels.

Use adhesive hooks if you do not have a place to hang hand towels. The ability to dry hands right after handwashing makes this habit for kids more comfortable and hygienic. It will also prevent your child from accidental slips and falls.

These tricks worked for me during this summer school break. It is important for parents to establish the importance of handwashing and cleanliness in general before we send our kids back to school this June. I read a study that students do not wash their hands enough when they’re at school because they don’t have enough time.

Have you sat down with your child to explain why they need to practice good hygiene? I did and with the help of YouTube, explained to my son how proper handwashing kills and protects us from germs that can make himself and even mommy to become sick.


Additional tips to encourage kids to wash their hands:

  • Use visible signs such as “wash hands after using the toilet”
  • Print out their daily AM & PM routine and include handwashing before eating, after playing, after using the toilet.
  • Be a good example and invite them to wash their hands while you do the same
  • Associate handwashing with positive activities such as handwashing before preparing food together, enjoying a meal, or relaxing with the family.


Consistency is the key. It can be frustrating to instill good habits in children. They have a shorter attention span and are always excited to do the next thing. However, you can set them up for success by providing them with the right tools, environment, and motivation.


Happy handwashing mommy and baby!